We’ve talked to countless people about the event that has wrecked and ravaged South Mississippi, and left nothing short of devastation in it’s wake.  Conversation is still laced with the homes that have crumbled, stories that seem impossible, and effects of the tornado that are on everyone’s lips.  We don’t doubt that you’ve heard that 365 homes were destroyed according to MEMA*, and among the devastation we feel certain that you have seen at least a little bit of the amazing response by the community; we certainly have.  We can’t imagine what families are going through, but we can see your response.

Extra Table is an organization that provides healthy food to soup kitchens and food pantries in order that they can supply food to those in need. When the tornado wiped across South Mississippi February 10, 2013 we knew that Christian Services and Edwards Street Fellowship Center in Hattiesburg were going to need more food than we had prepared for.  We committed to use all donations for the last three weeks of February to help those effected by the tornado; we had no idea that your response was going to be so immediate and huge.

We began receiving donations online initially, and  then suddenly word spread that people could help victims through Extra Table.  We’ll never forget that morning when the mail was overflowing with your donations, your generosity, care, and concern for your community.  It has been the greatest experience to see you step up to the challenge of helping your neighbors rebuild, helping them find their next meal, and making it possible for us to get food into the hands of those who need it most, those who lost it all.

Thank you.  Over and over again, THANK YOU for what you have done.  Please rest assured that 100% of your donations always have and always will be used to feed the hungry, and this was no exception.  I urge you to remember the hungry in the weeks that are approaching.  As people pick up the pieces we will be right alongside them making sure they have the food they need.  You showed up when folks were hurting and hungry, and your impact has been vast and amazing.  As always, we couldn’t help them without you.


*Information received from www.WDAM.com.